Indigenous Commitments

Ralcomm Ltd. acknowledges and respects the Indigenous peoples of the lands on which we operate and recognizes their inherent rights, cultures, and contributions to society. We are committed to fostering meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities based on trust, respect, and collaboration. This Indigenous Engagement Policy outlines our commitment to engaging with Indigenous peoples in a manner that is respectful, inclusive, and mutually beneficial.


  1. Respect: We respect the inherent rights, cultures, and traditions of Indigenous peoples and recognize their sovereignty and self-determination.
  2. Partnership: We are committed to building genuine and equitable partnerships with Indigenous communities based on trust, transparency, and open communication.
  3. Inclusion: We are committed to engaging with Indigenous peoples in a manner that is inclusive, culturally sensitive, and responsive to their needs and priorities.
  4. Sustainability: We are committed to promoting sustainable development and environmental stewardship in partnership with Indigenous communities.
  5. Capacity Building: We are committed to supporting the capacity building and economic development initiatives of Indigenous communities to create long-term opportunities for growth and prosperity.

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